Cleancode : feedback from my latest coaching

Cleancode : feedback from my latest coaching

Last week, I have been guested by the amazing french IT company Slickteam, in Rennes, to share experience and tricks about how to clean code.

Feedback of the session

The goal of this session was to prepare their most skilled Java coders for a course about “How to code clean”. Obviously the session is inspired by our master Robert C. Martin (

Slickteam took the initiative to gather younger coders and it has been really fantastic. We have shared our experiences and tip and tricks about Coding, Code Quality, Architecture and Testing.

The day flied too fast and we separate each other with a lot of projects, new ideas and a passion shining brighter than ever!

Thanks to the Slickteam for the warm welcome.

And as usual, #Rennes, #Britanny rocks.

Byoskill is a small company that accompany the young and dynamic companies in their fast and competitive market by providing coaching, mentoring and software development boost.